Elin | Fort Worth Newborn Photography

Baby Elin Drew. Just cannot get enough of her.

It may have been dark and rainy on the morning of her shoot, but her family was pure sunshine. So much adoration and love for this new itty bitty person in their home.

As an aside, I am very easy-going about sibling pictures during newborn sessions. If big brother or sister is happy to hold baby, great; if they are wincing and pouting, thats fine too. It's real life and that's what I'm there to capture....they'll be best friends someday and those kind of pictures will provide lots of smiles and laughs.

But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a bit of a dream to capture siblings that are utterly enthralled with their new baby. And these two big kids....truly enamored. Hopefully some of the images below show you at least a glimpse of it...the touching of fingers and toes and the 1000 kisses on sister's soft little head. It was just the sweetest.

Speaking of baby's head, this beautiful little girl had the most gorgeous hair...I don't know if you can tell, but her hair was like spun gold. Truly. It had bits and flecks of blonde woven throughout that almost made her hair shimmer. One more little detail to add to the perfection of this session. Ashley 5Ashley 3Ashley 2Ashley 1

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