Bonnets and Bows | DFW Baby Photography

These girls are growing so fast! This 9-month shoot was my fourth time to photograph them, and I can't tell you how fun it is to see all the new changes with each new visit. Last time I photographed them, at 6 months, they weren't sitting up unassisted yet. This time, they are pulling up and standing and trying to grab my camera :)

These girls have a gorgeous nursery, but we actually ventured outside with them for part of their session this time and it was a hoot. They are moving everywhere, so sitting on a dock trying to keep two mobile babies safe was pretty entertaining. We also photographed them in their bonnets for the first time, and oh my word. Nothing cuter.

All this being said. I have a confession to make. Even though this is my job, I still totally understand the hesitancy to hire a photographer for multiple sessions. It's definitely an investment and I definitely get it. But then when I have clients like these, who I have been working with since their First 48 in the hospital, I'm reminded again of why these sessions are so wonderful. What a treasure these parents have, having all these ordinary moments in pictures. The common saying about days being long and years being short surely can't be more true than when raising twins. The days are infinitely more busy and that first year must go by infinitely more quickly. I hope that these pictures provide them with tangible memories of the first year with their babies...arguably the most special, filled-with-tiny-moments year any parent will ever have.

Next time I see them they will be ONE!

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Eleanor | DFW Baby Photographer

I am a small town girl, but Fort Worth has slowly worked it's way into my heart over the past decade. We have such a sweet little/big town.

Until recently, my heart had not, however, learned to love our big, populated, fast-paced neighbor to the East. And it's all because of the traffic.

There hasn't been a time, since I have lived here, that I've visited Dallas and the drive over didn't stress me out to some degree. Yes, it's still Texas, and it may not compare in hustle-and-bustle to places like NY or Chicago, but still...I always feel my "small-town-ness" when I am east of Cowtown.

I tell you all this because if someone had asked me a few years ago if I would take clients in Dallas, I probably would have said no. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I am white-knuckle driver everrrryyy time my vehicle crosses over to 35E. It's just so stressful for me.

But. And this is a big but.

I have the SWEETEST clients in this city. I have photographed three families in Dallas this year so far, and they make my job so, so easy. It's gotten to the point, if you can believe it, where I even look forward to the drive out there. I can enjoy my cup of coffee and listen to a podcast and be greeted by the most precious families there ever were.

I still exhale an audible sign of relief when I get out of the traffic and head back west. But for families like these it is more than worth it.

This is Eleanor, Ellie for short, and her precious parents are friends with another family of mine in Dallas. It was fun hearing all their connections and what brought them all to the same city, and it was a dream capturing their morning.

I know I often say that "such and such age is my favorite," and by now I've probably said that about every month. But I really just can't pick...and I don't think any parent could! Every month with a baby brings so many new, wonderful things. This beautiful baby girl was 4mo old at the time of her shoot, and as you can tell she was an easy subject :) Erin 1Erin 2Erin 3Erin 4Erin 5Erin 6Erin 7Erin 8Erin 9Erin 10Erin 11Erin 12Erin 13Erin 14Erin 15Erin 16Erin 17Erin 18Erin 19Erin 20Erin 21Erin 22Erin 23Erin 24