
I wrote a really long, heartfelt blog post yesterday, in an attempt to share a bit about whats been going on in our lives recently, and as I attempted to publish it, it disappeared. I simply don't have the energy to re-write it, so now, you get spared all the emotion and fluff. 

My dad has cancer, a disease I've prayed so fervently against for so many people, but have never truly experienced first hand. (On that note--I've been convicted, deeply, of how little I really understood about how it effects those battling it, and their loved ones. I have been humbled by the encouragement, advice, meals, and prayers we have received these past few weeks. It has been sustaining us, and I am so grateful for the hand of God that I see in our family and friends. It has taught me what I should be doing, for others who are walking this path.)

Back to the facts--he is staying with us while he undergoes treatment. He is weak, and discouraged, but he's pressing on. He had his first round of chemo yesterday. We are so glad to be beyond that hump. The waiting is the worst. I think we are all so glad to actually, finally, be moving forward. It's only been 24 hours, but so far, no side effects. Praise God.

I only share here because I wanted a way to let clients, old and new, know that yes, life is happening, but that this job is still important to me. That you and your family and the moments you invite me into are still a priority. It's just taking a bit more juggling now, and I so appreciate you sticking with me throughout. I don't think I've missed an email or a deadline yet, but if I have, please reach out. It is not a bother, and in fact I would probably welcome it.

When something so big and ugly rears its head in your life, the small, ordinary moments become so much more special. So I have grown even more grateful for this work; for those of you who allow me into your lives; for my own sweet, funny, children who are such a wonderful distraction; for my compassionate, patient husband; and for our thoughtful, prayerful friends and family who so faithfully support us. Life can be so hard, but God has shown us so much goodness. 

Please continue to pray for my dad, for our Pop and Pepaw. We want him better.
